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Charges & Payment
1. What are the shipping charges?
Please view the respective eTukuri shipping charges for our eTukuri Shipping Services from the eTukuri shipping rates table.

2. Where do I enter my voucher code?
Once your packages have arrived and are declared, it will be listed under "Packages Ready To Ship". Before "Review & Pay", you will be able to enter the voucher code.

3. Why is the voucher code I entered not valid?
eTukuri runs several promotions all year round, catered to the different seasons and different needs of our customers.

If you entered a voucher code and it is not valid, please countercheck the entered voucher code for its terms and conditions of use.

You may wish to contact us if there is any problem using any of the valid voucher code(s).

4. How will I be notified of the total shipment charges I have to pay?
Once your item/package has been processed, you will be notified via email. Your item/package will be assigned with a shipment number. You can follow the instructions in the email to proceed with generation of a shipping bill for the payment of the shipping charge. Please hold your payment if you wish to consolidate your items.

5. Besides shipping and Custom/Import Duty, what are other charges that I have to be aware of?
Other possible charges are, but not limited to, Customs/Import duty and License fee and any other applicable taxes and fees.

(a) Holding Fee for processed item/package: Once your item/package has been processed, eTukuri will notify you by email on the shipping charges payable for that package/item. For eTukuri USA, it will be a charge of $1.50 per item per day for items which are held for more than 21 days from processed date.

(b) Penalty Fee for unprocessed items/packages: eTukuri also imposes a penalty for unprocessed items belonging to you that are staged at our overseas shipping facilities.

For eTukuri USA, the penalty stands at S1.50 per item per day, after 21 days from the date the item was received at our shipping addresses.

6. If I do not use eTukuri to ship my item after it has arrived, are there any charges to re-direct the item/package to another location?
If for any reason(s), you decide not to proceed using our eTukuri to ship your item/package to Maldives, kindly arrange with your merchant(s) not to deliver your item(s)/package(s) to our eTukuri shipping address. Please note that we are unable to accept any requests for refusal or not to accept any deliveries, as our eTukuri shipping addresses receives large quantities of bulk deliveries on a daily basis.

Should there be any free return label provided by your merchant/sender attached to your item/package, upon your request, we will use this free return label to redirect the package back to the merchant/sender. Please note that a USD 10.00 administrative handling charge will be imposed and you will have to bear the full redirection service costs.

Alternatively, you may request for the package to be disposed off at the eTukuri shipping address, if you do not want to return to merchant/sender or re-direct to another address.

7. What is the cost of the holding fee?
eTukuri USA charges US$1.50 per item per day for items which are held for more than 21 days from processed date.

8. What is your minimum chargeable weight?
Our minimal chargeable weight for all eTukuri services is 0.5kg and subsequent weight step is 0.1kg thereafter.

9. Can I store my package at your warehouse in USA for 1-2 months? Is there any corresponding fee? If so, how much?
eTukuri provides free storage of 21 days from processed date without charge for consolidation of shipping payment. However, when packages are held for more than 21 days from processed date, it is chargeable at the rate of S1.50 per package per day.

eTukuri also reserves the right to dispose the package which is more than 30 days from the processed/declaration date.

10. What is shipment consolidation and what are its benefits?
Shipment consolidation is a payment feature that allows customers to pay one base charge per shipping charge bill instead of one base charge per package. To utilize this feature, simply withhold payment till all the packages you want to pay for together are available for billing.

Please note that a holding fee will be applicable for packages that are held for more than 21 days.

11. How do I make payment for the eTukuri shipping charges?
Once your package has arrived at our Consolidation Centre, you can proceed to declare and make payment for the shipping charges. If you wish to consolidate, please wait until all your packages have arrived before making payment.

Once paid, the shipment will arrive in Maldives within 4 to 5 working days from the date of shipping. After that, delivery may vary depending on the local delivery standards. For further details, please see our delivery standards in formation.

12. What modes of payment are acceptable for eTukuri shipping charges?
Currently, the following are the available modes of payment:

a. Credit/Debit Cards (Visa/Master)
For credit cards, eTukuri currently only accepts locally issued credit cards for payment.
b. American Express (AMEX)

Please ensure that you have made the necessary arrangements for any of the above payment modes before using eTukuri Shipping Services.

13. Why is my shipping fee so high? Are there any tips to reduce the shipping fee? (e.g. Consolidation, etc.)?
When your package reaches our facility in US, we will measure and weigh the package to calculate the volumetric and actual weight of the package. As per freight industry practice, the chargeable weight of a package is calculated based on Volumetric or Actual weight, whichever is higher.

Volumetric weight of a package is a calculation that reveals the density of a package. A less dense package generally occupies more volume of space compared to its actual.

Volumetric weight = [ length(cm) x breadth(cm) x height(cm) ] / 5,000cm

Minimum chargeable weight is 0.5kg and subsequent weight step is 0.1kg thereafter.

You can advise your merchant to ensure proper packaging and pack your purchase into a smallest possible box.

In addition, you can consolidate your shipping charges by paying them together. As such, only a single base charge is billed.

14. Can I purchase additional coverage for the item/packages that I want eTukuri to ship to me?
Yes, you can now purchase additional coverage for your packages shipped through eTukuri Shipping Services by choosing "ADD Post Dhahanaa" when you checkout. Post Dhahanaa is based on 3% of the declared item value subject to a minimum premium of $10 for each consignment note with destination, Maldives.
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