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How eTukuri works
Find out how eTukuri shipping works in 4 easy steps!
Sign Up
Sign up with your email address to receive your overseas addresses. Get 20% discount on your first shipment by using “MVWELCOME20” code at the check-out.
Shop to your hearts from your favourite overseas websites using your personalized eTukuri oversea address.

Not Sure where to start? We’ve got you covered with our shopping guide
Declare & Pay
Declare your package when received to eTukuri overseas address. Checkout and pay for your shipping to get it delivered to your doorstep in Maldives.

An email notification will be sent once your packages are received at eTukuri overseas warehouse.

Tip: Wait for all your packages to arrive before making payment to enjoy our *bundling discount!
Receive your shipment
Your packages will be delivered directly to Maldives within the time frame designated on our delivery standard. Updates will be sent while the package embark the journey until it reaches your addressee.

Enjoy international shopping experience at your doorstep.

Refer to FAQ or Contact Customer Care team for more queries.
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