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Tips & FAQ
Have a question about the services we offer?
We're here to help!
1. Do you have repacking services?
Yes, we provide repacking services for eTukuriUSA and eTukuriCHINA at a charge of $8 per package.

Packages will be repacked if the difference between the actual weight and volumetric weight is 2kg or more.

Repacking will not be done if the safety of the packages is compromised.

Here are some scenarios in which we will not repack:
1. when the package contains leather products, e.g. handbags, purses, coats, etc.
2. when the package contains products with flammable or alcoholic contents, e.g. perfume samples, perfumes, body mist samples, etc. (These products will be disposed off if discovered during the repacking process. Click here to view the list of prohibited items.)
3. when the package is marked 'FRAGILE'.
4. when the package is obviously a gift, i.e. packed in a gift box, secured with ribbon and gift card, etc.

2. Why is my shipping fee so high? Are there any tips to reduce the shipping fee? (e.g. Consolidation, etc.)
When your package reaches our facility in US or China, we will measure and weigh the package to calculate the volumetric and actual weight of the package. As per freight industry practice, the chargeable weight of a package is calculated based on Volumetric or Actual weight, whichever is higher.

Volumetric weight of a package is a calculation that reveals the density of a package. A less dense package generally occupies more volume of space compared to its actual.

Volumetric weight = [ length(cm) x breadth(cm) x height(cm) ] / 5,000cm

Minimum chargeable weight is 0.5kg and subsequent weight step is 0.1kg thereafter.

You can advise your merchant to ensure proper packaging and pack your purchase into the smallest possible box.

In addition, you can consolidate your shipping charges by paying them together. As such, a single base charge is billed.

3. I have 4 small packages, would you be able to pack it under 1 box to save on the shipping charges?
We do not provide physical consolidation of packages. However, when you ship all the packages together, it will be considered as a bundled package. Therefore, we will be charging only one base charge for the four items.

4. What modes of payment are acceptable for eTukuri shipping charges?
Currently, the following modes of payment are available:

a. Credit/Debit Cards (Visa/Master)

For credit cards, eTukuri currently only accepts locally issued credit cards for payment.

b. American Express (AMEX)

Please ensure that you have made the necessary arrangements for any of the above payment modes before using eTukuri Shipping Services.

5. Can I ship a bulky item (e.g. washer)? Do you have any restriction in terms of size (height & weight) of the package?
We have maximum dimensions which can ship through eTukuriUSA and eTukuriCHINA. They are as follows:

eTukuriUSA Air Freight 
Minimum Size: N/A
Maximum Length:180 cm
Maximum length plus girth (2W + 2H) must not exceed 300 cm
Packages that exceed the maximum length measurement cannot be shipped
Packages which exceeded the above dimension cannot be shipped.

Additional Delivery Surcharge will be imposed when a package exceeded the Maximum dimension and/or Maximum Actual Weight.

If your shipment require special handling, there would be additional surcharge, which will be determined on an individual basis and customers will be notified of the details when their shipments arrive at Singapore.

For example: The shipment unable to fit into the Passenger Lift of the Delivery Address.

eTukuriCHINA (Service will be available starting November 2015.)
Minimum Size: N/A
Maximum Length:180 cm
Maximum length plus girth (2W + 2H) must not exceed 300 cm
Packages that exceed the maximum size and/or weight measurements cannot be shipped.

6. How long will the shipment take?
The shipment will arrive in Maldives within 4 to 5 working days from the date of shipping payment. After that, delivery may vary depending on the local delivery standards. For further details, please see our delivery standards in formation.

7. Can I store my package at your warehouse in USA for 1-2 months? Is there any corresponding fee and how much?
No, eTukuri will only hold the package for 21 days from processed date without charge for consolidation of shipping payment. However, when packages are held for more than 21 days from processed date, it is chargable at the rate of $1.50 per package per day.

eTukuri also reserves the right to dispose the package which is more than 30 days from the processed/declaration date.
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